Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016

Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016 - Hi Bro, Fresh Games Download, You are reading now Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016, We hope you enjoy with our article and you find with your search and for this post Article Game Android, This is a copas aticle. Happy Reading.

Title : Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016
link : Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016

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Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016

Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016, Selamat pagi teman.. salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, dipagi yang indah ini mengawali hari yang semoga selalu mendapat kebahagiaan saya admin masarietech kembali hadir dengan membawa berbagai informasi seputar Android, tak hanya itu software serta filmpun juga turut mewarnai Blog Masarietech.blogspot.com ini.
Udah pada tahu belum? kalo Pokemon Go udah update lagi.. nah buat temen-temen yang belum tahu dan belum upgrade, yuk ikuti terus perkembangan Pokemon Go di Masarietech.blogspot.com


Deskripsi Pokemon Go v 0.33.0
Download gratis langsung versi apk Pokemon Go Untuk Android dari Masarietech.blogspot.com. Pokemon Go merupakan game petualangan untuk Andorid, temukan Venesaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu dan masih banyak lagi Pokemon yang ada di planet Bumi ini.
Sekarang adalah kesempatan anda untuk menemukan dan mengangkap Pokemon di sekitar anda, jadi ambil sepatu anda, keluarlah dan jelajahi dunia. Anda akan bergabung dengna salah satu dari tiga tim pertempuran untuk latihan dan kepemilikan Gyms dengan Pokemon disisi Anda
Pokemon disetting berada di luar, dan Anda harus menemukannya. Saat anda berjalan di sekitar lingkungan, smartphone anda akna bergetar bila ada Pokemon dengan jarak dekat. Ambil jarak dan pastikan anda menangkap Pokeball dengan benar, sehingga Pokemon yang ada di depan anda tidak kabur.. waspada dan tetap berhati-hati di sekitar Anda.

Search far and wide For Pokemon And Items
Certain Pokemon appear near their native environment - look for Water-type Pokemon by lakes and oceans. Visit PokeStops, found at intersting places like museums, art installations, historical markers, and monuments, to stock up on Poke Balls and helful items.

Catching, hatching, evolving and more
As you level up, you'ss be able to catch more-powerfull Pokemon to complete your Pokedex. You can add to your collection by hatching Pokemon Eggs based on the distances you walk. Help your Pokemon evolve by cathing many of the same kind.

Take on Gym battles and defend your Gym
As your Charmander evlves to CHarmeleon and then Charizard, you can battle together to defeat a Gym and assign your Pokemon To defend it against all comers.

It's time to get moving your real life advantures await

What's New In Pokemon Go v 0.33.0
  1. Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while travelling above a certain speed : Trainers will have to indicate they aren't the driver
  2. Fixed a bug that prevented "Nice","Great", and "Excelleent" Poke BAll throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses
  3. Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time, so please choose your new nickname wisely
  4. Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS re-enabled the feature Other fixes
  1. This app is free to play and offers in app purchases. It is optimized for smartphones, not tablets.
  2. Compatible with Android devices that have 2 GB RAM or more and have Android Version 4.4 - 6.0 installed.
  3. Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS capabillities or devices that are connected only to Wi-Fi networks
  4. Compatibility with tablet devices is not guaranteed
  5. Application may not run on certain devices even if they have compatible OS version installed.
  6. It is recommended to play while connected to a network in order to obtain accurate location information
  7. Compatibility information may be changed at any time.
  8. Please visit www.PokemonGo.com for additional compatibility infromation
  9. Information Current as of July 5, 2016
Source: brddl.com And Google Play

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Pokemon Go v0.33.0 Apk Free Download 2016

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