How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard

How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard - Hi Bro, Fresh Games Download, You are reading now How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard, We hope you enjoy with our article and you find with your search and for this post Article PES 2017 TUTORIAL, This is a copas aticle. Happy Reading.

Title : How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard
link : How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard

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How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard

This is a tutorial on how to edit a PES 2017 scoreboard to add any TV logo you want.

Tools you need & download links:
CPK Manager by sxsxsx| DOWNLOAD

PES File Explorer by Jenkey1002| DOWNLOAD

Adobe Potoshop CS6| DOWNLOAD

1. Copy the cpk file of the scoreboard to desktop
2. Open the cpk file with CPK Manager
3. Export the APK Texture Block of licenceTexturePes.bin
4. Open the apk file with PES File Manager
5. Export tex000 as png
6. Open the exported png file with Adobe CS6
7. Erase the current TV logo and place another in the same position
8. Save the file as
9. Go to CPK Manager, click on licenceTexturePes.bin and then on APK Module
10. Right click on tex000, import DDS, select
11. Save the cpk file
12. Finished! Now you can rename the cpk file if you want, move it to your download folder of PES 2017, add it to your DpFileList.bin and you're ready to play PES 2017 with your created scoreboard!

How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard

That is all article How To Edit A PES 2017 Scoreboard for this time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. wait for the next article, And Thanks to the various sources that we Copas article without permission, I hope you can tolerate and understand each other.

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